Flowers in California

Flowers in California

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Visual Route to Success

I woke up this morning looking forward to the day. I like that. It's a great way to start off.

Soon, though, my thoughts went to asking what the purpose or goal of it all is. Where am I heading? I don't know if other people think like this first thing in the morning but I do. The routine stuff like putting my contact lenses in, heading to the kitchen, and singing Good Morning to my son (yes we sing), I can handle without thinking. It's the larger questions that I consider. Or I did today anyways.

As I got thinking, I went back to an idea presented in a class. I've heard about it elsewhere too, including on Oprah. I'm not sure what it's called but in a binder or on a board (cardboard or cork, etc) you place pictures from magazines that represent goals you wish to achieve. I plan on including words too. That was probably suggested in the course. This is said to work well in motivating people to accomplish their goals. It almost sounded like a sure thing. I'm a little too skeptical for that but I like the idea. The naturopathic doctor who taught the course had her pictures in a binder. She credited this concept with at least some of her success. And she did seem pretty successful.

Now, I am me and while I have the big cardboard sheets I bought at the dollar store (in pink and purple, I think I'll use purple) I have not made the board yet. I took the course quite a while ago and I bought the supplies, well, maybe in the last 3 months or 6 months. It was some time before today. But when I lay in bed this morning, I thought of things to put on it. They're all good things at which to aim and I will aim at and hit some if not all of them. I have to think positively. And I know what will go at the upper centre of it all: Fulfill My Potential. That is really my goal here on this planet. I want to be kind and to help, to nurture, to write, and blah, blah, blah but it's really all about using this one opportunity at life and using it well.

I'll make my board soon.

(Oh, my son does have pink eye! He's home today and there's nothing I can do about all of the germs he spread yesterday. He didn't create the bacteria so we really can't be blamed entirely. He's kind of restless as he feels fine but we don't want him touching anything. It will be a different kind of day.)

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