As I have mentioned before on this blog, I think that there's too much stuff in this house. Whatever it all is. I've spent some time decluttering and have made some progress. So far, so good.
Today I went to a movie and mall with my son. The movie wasn't as good as we'd hoped but the mall was, as usual, nice. And I didn't come out of it with multiple bags of new items. That is good too.
What I did buy at the mall today was a body mist called Optimism. I know things about how retailers market. I know that they want you to buy the experience and they make you believe that buying this one thing will change your life. Somehow though, at this one store, time and again, I still buy into it. The store is Bath & Body Works. I should never go in there.
I don't know what it is about Bath & Body Works. I get greeted every time but I don't know that that's the secret. Sometimes I don't greet well at other stores. I'm kind of an independent shopper. At Wal-Mart, the greeters tend to avoid me. It's like I put out an anti-greeting warning. It works. At B&BW, though, they greet me right away so there's no time for the alarm. And then there are all the pretty pictures on the products, and the names, and the scents. Oh the scents. My son won't come in the store because of the scents but I sprayed my coat today so he sneezed on the way home anyways. He was not impressed. Oops. Before I make it to the back of the store, I am again buying a product. This time it's Optimism in a bottle.
I would love to find out that this product works. Maybe it will? Still, though, I can't keep doing this. If I want to have less stuff, not to mention stop wasting money, I have to be more rational about purchases.
If spraying this stuff on me (and making my poor son sneeze some more) works, I will announce it far and wide. If not, maybe I'll avoid going in that store next time. That's where it all starts.
Happy shopping! I hope you're better at it than me.
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